Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hola Blog Veiwers!

Just a quick post! 
check out the pig i drew on microsoft paint just now!
pretty cool, huh?
smell ya later people

Bonjour Mon Ami's

welcome to ninja pigs are on my walls! 
or if you've been here before welcome back!
so today i was thinking i'd introduce you to a good friend of mine!!
yup thats right! it's gogo the monkey!
isn't he a kool kat?!

note: gogo is not his real name

Thursday, August 5, 2010

hey there blog veiwer

so you've stumbled upon this random blog and maybe your thinking "what is this about?" or  "what's with this poser, they aren't a ninja" and to be quite honest i know I'm not a ninja and i don't know what this blog is about but bare with me people.

until next time heres a picture i found on google.

as you can see he's a real ninja pig.